The 99 Cents only store sells universal remote controls. I’ve seen two kinds there: the one with large buttons, and the one which looks like a regular remote.
This latter one has been sold there for a few years, and now costs $2. It’s a steal. So far, it’s worked with my Sony Blu-Ray Player, my Vizio TV (recently found on the street!), my Sanyo DVD-R + VHS, and a JVC VCR.
So, if you have one of these devices and need a remote control, you could do worse. For programming info, see Program the 99 Cents Only Store, Momentum Brands, 8 Device Universal Remote Control 60-689199.
For the big button remotes, I think one of these pages may work:
Overall, I’m a little worried about these programming instructions for the jumbo button remotes, because they don’t include Vizio.